If I ask you who is Kony , you would probably say you don't know him. He is an infamous criminal that is the worst criminal ever. Many people are fighting with him for global society's peace. Then how about Caine, the boy who made an arcade with boxes. Do you know him? This one is less known than Kony so you would probably have no idea about him. These people that I mentioned are infamous guys in the world that had influenced some of their belonging community. In this whole essay, I would contrast and compare about these two events, Kony 2012 and Caine's arcade.
Did you watch these videos? Then how did you feel about each of them? You might feel terrible about Kony because now you know that he kidnapped the children and forced them to kill their parents. Yes, he is a terrible guy. So the ' Invisible Children' is helping us to learn about Kony. They also made project name Kony 2012, didn't they? Then what did you feel about Caine's arcade? Seems he is a genius at making arcade. Maybe he is a genius that other children doesn't know. By his first customer, he became famous and many people started to enjoy his arcade.
Now we can argue about their similarities and differences. I will mention similarities first and then differences. Both Caine and Kony became famous because of some people who had interest in them. Maybe these guys are who actually influenced the world. These guys used the internet. Also, it starts on one boy. Kony 2012 first mentions the boy name Jacob and in Caine's arcade,of course Caine is only the main character in this video so he mentions first. This is because they both have a problem for their life. Lastly, the first mentioned boys that had a problem become way better than from the harsh time. Now Jacob is living peacefully without awareness of Kony and Caine has many customers.
Next, let's talk about differences that they have. First, Caine and Jacob had a problem, but actually,the problems that they each had were totally different. Jacob's brother had died with Hanga and he was almost surviving from Kony. In other hand, the problem that Caine has was not that serious as Jacob's. His problem was just no customer. Second, Kony 2012 can be influenced a lot in global society if he works globally but Caine's arcade has small influence in his country or city,just. People from different country with him doesn't want to go to another country to see his small arcade because it costs a lot of money to use an airplane. The influence of them are totally different. Lastly, the emotion in the video is different. In Kony 2012, Kony is real bad guy and treats children so badly in harsh conditions. The video strongly argues that he is a horrible man and we should help the people to know Kony better and save money for to save the children. Actually, Caine's arcade doesn't make us like that. It doesn't claim us to come and get some arcade, it's just a story about a brilliant kid who influenced his society to play his arcade. In this video, we can feel that he is a brilliant guy and wants to have a try on making his own arcade.
After looking at those video in the front page, you would think,'What is the similarity? There are only a lot of differences.' If you concentrate, however, you would find out what I am talking about and find some other similarities, too. After I watched this video, I felt the importance of communication on the internet. This can influence other people and create a big event like Kony 2012. So, I write this to show to others by using the Internet. These are the similarities and differences of Kony 2012 and Caine's arcade.
Dear Lily
답글삭제How do you know that? It was very impressed me.
But I want any children must care all of the people.
Thank you, good your message.
your mom
This is very good for a first draft! You do an excellent job of comparing the videos and how each has a boy with a problem. You might want to strengthen the connection between SNS and how both videos motived many many people to commit to one event.
답글삭제There are several grammatical problems I want you to fix, so please come and get the paper from my desk and make the changes.
Good work!